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Formulation of questionnaires

Wording questions – For the creation of questionnaire questions

Author: Rolf Porst

GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim
Centre for Survey Design and Methodology
The field of pretesting

The book deals with the rules for formulating questions, items and answer categories in Social Science questionnaires. These rules refer to basic aspects of the formulation of questions and are applicable to all forms of questioning (personal, verbal, by telephone, written).

  • Introduction
  • Survey tip 1: Use simple, unambiguous terms, which can be understood by all respondents in the same way!
  • Survey tip 2: Avoid long and complex questions!
  • Survey tip 3: Avoid hypothetical questions!
  • Survey tip 4: Avoid stimuli and negatives!
  • Survey tip 5: Avoid assumptions and suggestive questions!
  • Survey tip 6: Avoid questions which target information to which many respondents probably don't have access!
  • Survey tip 7: Use questions with a clear temporal reference!
  • Survey tip 8: Use answer categories which are exhaustive and disjointed (free from overlap)!
  • Survey tip 9: Make sure that the context of a question does not have an (uncontrolled) effect on the answer!
  • Survey tip 10: Define unclear terms!
  • Book tip: Questionnaires – a practical guide
    Ein Arbeitsbuch
    Aus der Reihe 'Studienskripten zur Soziologie' im VS Verlag
    4. erw. Aufl. 2014. 203 S.
    Autor: Rolf Porst
    ISBN: 978-3658021177
    Preis: 14,99 Euro
    10 survey tips

    Formulation of questions
    Survey tip 1
    Survey tip 2
    Survey tip 3
    Survey tip 4
    Survey tip 5
    Survey tip 6
    Survey tip 7
    Survey tip 8
    Survey tip 9
    Survey tip 10
    Book tip

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